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Monday, September 19, 2022

Creating JSRF Levels - Mission compiler and level tools update

 Hi, I have been working on level creation tools, so far we can create levels but we also needed to be able to create custom 'mission' files to have custom spray can placements, player spawning and death warps.

So I have created a second add-on for Blender which exports and compiles the mission data and added a collection with the mission stuff in the Blender sample scene file.

I have also updated the Stage Exporter blender add-on with improvements/fixes and also added an option "Visual as Collision" so that the Visual models are used as Collision models in case you're just working with the physics materials so you don't need to copy and paste the Visual models into the Collision every time you add new meshes and want to export, just check the box "Visual as Collision" and the exporter will automatically use the Visual meshes as Collision.

Click here to download the Stage creation tools v1


In the previous linked file you will find the blender scene file, add-ons and tools used to compile the level, see this post for how to setup the Stage exporter in Blender.

For the mission exporter, there's a blender add-on to install and it's panel will appear in the Scene Properties panel, same as the stage exporter:

You will need to setup the Stage export path (same as in the stage exporter settings), the game's Media directory and finally the JSRF_Mission_Compiler.exe tool provided in the Stage creation tools v1

Now for how it works, you will find a "Mission" collection in the outliner that contains various items for the mission data.

Inside, the 'PlayerSpawnPosition' is just a model of Beat that is where the player will appear in the level.

The 'Items' collection contains the spray cans, just duplicate them and keep the same name (+ ending with some number) to place more cans.

Finally the 'Death Warps' that are the areas where if you cross the plane you will be teleported back to the spawn location, for which you want to have a 'dw_plane' and a 'dw_spawn' with the same name and ending with an underscore and a number such as
"dw_plane_0" "dw_spawn_0" "dw_plane_1" "dw_plane_2" etc

When you click "Export Mission" the mission data will be exported to the Stage Export path and the mission will be compiled, it saves the mission file as the tutorial mission, so to load the custom mission and level simply go to "New  Game" in JSRF's main menu.

That's pretty much it for now, have fun!

Sunday, August 7, 2022

JSRF Graffiti Tool v1.0.0.5 - Added clear cache support for Cxbx

Hey there, small update for the Graffiti Tool, I have added a setting for the Cxbx app folder, so the cache(changes) gets automatically cleared when modding graffitis.


Click here to download the JSRF Graffiti Tool v1.0.0.5

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

JSRF Mod Manager - Browse, download and manage mods easily

Hey there,

I have created a tool that acts as a platform to browse, share, download and install/manage JSRF mods easily.

Here's the download link for the JSRF Mod Manager v1.0.1

If you already have some mods installed (without this tool) make a backup copy of your Media folder so your mods don't get lost.

The configuration should be pretty straigth forward, just go to the settings tab, choose the platform (PC - cxbx) or (Xbox)

Then select the folder of the JSRF Media folder, and also a copy of the original game files in another Media folder (so original files can be restored when uninstalling mods)
And finally the cxbx app folder, or the xbox FTP settings.

For now mod submissions are closed, and you need to contact me if you want to be granted access to upload mods, if you wish to do so, contact me on Discord: neodos#5090

Let me know in the comments if you have any questions or issues with the app.


Saturday, July 2, 2022

Creating levels for JSRF - an overview

so for the past few months I have been working on the JSRF level compiler and also an add-on for Blender to export levels for JSRF, also the latest version of the JSRF Mod Tool processes and compiles the data into the game's level file format and boom! custom levels.

Once again huge thanks to Gurten, Daft, Demo, Fuse, Duck from the JSRF Reverse Engineering community & the Cxbx team who made this possible.

This post is an overview of the process,
however I will not be covering the topic of the 3D modelling process since it would be too long to cover, it's a subject on it's own and there's already plenty of tutorials out there for Blender, the focus of this post is on how the JSRF levels work and the tools to create them.

Click here to download the JSRF Mod Tool and the Blender JSRF Stage exporter addon

In this zip file you will find a Blender scene file with a test level, the dev textures for the collision materials, the Blender JSRF Stage Exporter addon an the JSRF ModTool which compiles the level data exported from Blender, and lastly a Mission file which loads when you select "new game", the level will be empty, only corn is standing around, place this file in the "Media\Mission\" folder.


You can find the source code for the JSRF ModTool here




Composition of a JSRF level

A JSRF level is mainly composed of 3D models, of two kinds, one for the visuals that we see and uses textures (top left picture), and another, invisible in-game which is used for the physics simulation(top right pic) and how the player controller interacts with the environment's surfaces.

On the left the visual models, on the right the physics collision model, notice how the collision model has less detail, it's simplified, for instance the stairs become a flat ramp but in the game the yellow surfaces act as stairs and the character takes steps as if there were stairs.
The colors on the surfaces of the physics models help us recognize what type of physics material the faces of the model are assigned.

Lastly, the level also contains curves data for the rails we can grind in-game.

Setting up the Blender JSRF Stage Exporter

First let's install the JSRF Exporter addon for Blender, make sure you have downloaded the files, and have "JSRF_Stage_Exporter.py"

In Blender go to Edit >> Preferences >> Add-ons then
click Install

Browse to and select "JSRF_Stage_exporter.py" and don't forget to tick the checkbox(highlighted in red here) to enable the add-on:

You can the find the JSRF Stage exporter menu at the bottom of the 'Scene' panel:

You will first need to setup the paths as follows:

Stage ID is the name of the stage it will be exported as in the Media\Stage\ directory

Stage Export Path is the folder where the Stage data will be exported

Media Directory should point to the JSRF Media folder

ModTool filepath should point to the JSRF_ModTool.exe

When you press Export Stage, the stage data from blender will be exported, then the JSRF ModTool will run and compile the stage (by default) as the Garage (stg00)

Creating the visual model & using it as a base for the collision

When we start to make a level, we're not going to work on the fancy visuals, instead we roughly model the shape of the level and objects, assigning the physics materials as the default material/texture for the visual models since that's what we're going to use as temporary collision models.

So you'll want to assign the materials that come with the demo scene.

Here's what a test stage looks like:

This is just a test map but that's all you need to know to get started making and testing levels for JSRF, if you're going to do the proper visuals.
You might want to use the old mod tool (download top right) to extract the game's models and textures to re-use them.

Here's what the scene in Blender should look like:

The main "Stage" collection contains "Visual" "Collision" and "GrindPaths", and the those three collections should contain other collections that contain the meshes, and curves for the GrindPaths collection, check how the demo scene is setup if you're not sure.

You must use this structure and naming (except for "Model_group_0" you can name those whatever you like) as that's how the JSRF Stage Exporter addon can process and export the level data.

As for collision models, you can have up to 1023 triangles per collision model group, that's just how the game engine works.

When you have blocked out your level's visual meshes(with the collision materials), as a shortcut you can copy paste the model groups from Visual collection into the Collision collection.
For a finished level the collision models should be modeled separately or you can use part of the visual models as a base, but the models should be simplified as much as possible, for instance, for a set of buildings as collision model, you wouldn't have multiple buildings/boxes for collision, but simply a big wall joining the ground with more or less the same scale as the buildings, in some cases it can be boxes or skewed shapes, in general just try to simplify as much as possible.

The textures must be in .png format and their resolution must be square and of power of two  (i.e: 128x128 or 256x256 or 512x512) the minimum resolution is 8x8 pixels, maximum 2048 (untested), generally recommend sticking to 512x512 as the maximum.

Limitations of JSRF's levels visual models

JSRF Level Visual models only support one UV per vertex, which means you have to treat the model so there aren't multiple UVs per vertex and you need to be very mindful about it, otherwise if you make a complex mesh and once compiled you see it in-game with messed up UVs, it might be tricky(in Blender) to find which part of the mesh is causing the issue.

Ok here's an example (the box in orange) of the issue and how it's solved:

Grind Paths

Grind paths can be created by extracting the edges of a mesh as curves, you then need to add them on the "GrindPaths" collection, inside it's own collection/group.

Also once you're done editing the grind path, make sure to do this for the curve objects:  Object >> Apply >> All transforms
Not ideal, but for now that'll be necessary.

To extract edges as a curve, you can use the following addon, note: in the script change the version from
"blender": (2, 80, 0), to whatever version of Blender you're using so it loads up.
In blender you'll find the button while in Edit mode (edges) right click and at the bottom "Edges to curve"

Note: right now bezier or other types of curves are not supported, or at least I don't know Blender well enough to tell you which type of curves the exporter would support, so try starting from extracting edges as a curve with the add-on I just mentioned, unless you know a way to manually make "curves" that are just point to point without smoothing.

Part 2: to setup and compile the mission file(for custom spray can placement, player spawn location and death warps) see the tutorial on this link


Monday, June 13, 2022

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

JSRF modding tutorials

 Hey there, I am still working on the tools to create JSRF levels (nearly done) but I also have to prepare a tutorial, in the meantime here are some video tutorials on how to mod JSRF textures and models, thanks to YayoDeLaRiva and  Lkymn for making these tutorials:


Sunday, April 17, 2022

JSRF - custom test level and messing around with the level physics

 Hey, short post, the other day we were on stream testing the level surfaces to see if we could make loops and whatnot, watch here:


Tuesday, March 1, 2022

First JSRF Custom Level

 Hey there,

About a year ago I was trying to make custom levels for JSRF, I was able to build brand new visual models for the levels and compile the physics collision models too, but there was a part of the collision data I could not figure out, that needed to be calculated, and since it wasn't,  in the new level, you'd just fall through the floor and clip through everything.
So I sought help from others but we couldn't figure it out, at least not how we were trying, through binary/hexadecimal/statistical analysis.

So I recently reached out to Gurten (who made the amazing Blender character model/animation importer) and he figured out the collision mesh triangle data in less than two weeks 😮

His reverse engineer method is through disassembly, which means de-compiling the game's executable/program file aka turning the program's executable binary file into a (massive and convoluted) list of CPU instructions, then analyzing CPU instructions/functions to see how the game loads the files and how it processes the data, easier said than done though.

This technique definitely was the only way to reverse engineer this bit of data about the physics collision 3D meshes of JSRF and people who have the (dis)assembly reverse engineering skills, are hard to come by and they usually have better things to do, luckily Gurten was willing to take the time and help, and he did an amazing job.

Anyways here's the result of the first properly compiled JSRF level:

I may or may not make a blog post later on about the process of how I tried to reverse engineering the level collision data(and failed) + with other people, and finally how Gurten went about it and succeeded, but it'd be a pretty long blog post.

I didn't publish the second blog post part about "how I reverse engineered JSRF" because it quickly got too technical, long and would be boring and pedantic to the reader.
Perhaps I'll make a video with audio commentary and graphic animations explaining the reverse engineering process, the mod tool, and how it evolved over a decade.

Video format with audio would definitely be a more dynamic, concise and a fun format to watch rather than reading a long blog post, but again, it would be a lot of work creating such video, so we'll see.

For now, there's some more work to do on the tool and things to figure out about JSRF, on compiling levels, and also creating a level creator/editor tool to make it more accessible to create levels for JSRF.

Thursday, February 3, 2022

JSRF ModTool 2.7 - model importing: fixed material groups corruption when adding/removing materials

Download the JSRF ModTool 2.7 here

Hey there, I have still been working on the JSRF tool, mostly reverse engineering and experimenting recompiling levels(aka 'Stage') data, such features are not accessible in the tool's interface yet, if you're a developer and want to try it, it's all in the code.

While we're close to being able to create custom levels, we're stuck on figuring out part of the level collision 3D mesh data.

I have managed to recompile a custom visual mesh for the level, as well as part of the collision mesh data, but since part of the collision mesh is still unknown/not understood and has to be calculated, right now we just fall/go through the collision mesh.

In the following video, it's a new compiled visual mesh, while maintaining the original Garage's collision meshes:

This post is also about the JSRF Tool 2.7, where I have fixed MDLB model importing, before, adding or removing material groups in the model(MDLB) importing interface, would corrupt the materials groups, giving wrong materials to the model.

It's finally fixed, if you're a developer and have been using/modifying the source yourself, I recommend checking out the GitHub repository where I might update the code, while I don't make blog posts about it: https://github.com/neodoso/JSRF_ModTool, otherwise here's the tool with the fixes:

Download the JSRF ModTool 2.7 here

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

JSRF speedruning tutorials, tips and tricks and more at www.jsrfspeedruns.com

Hi there, I thought I would share the wonderful www.jsrfspeedruns.com website made by people from the jsrf speedrunning and modding scene, they put a lot of effort into documenting all sorts of details about the game and they also created a complete guide to speedrunning JSRF with all the techniques, tricks, bugs, so if you're interested in upping your game on JSRF, trying speedruning or even just learn more about JSRF, www.jsrfspeedruns.com is the place to go.