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Thursday, April 24, 2014

JSRF Character Dialogues


This time here are some actual character dialogues, the ones you see in a bubble on top of the character, they are actually in a different folder (\Media\Event\TalkEvent\).

Same as before, I can't get the character names assigned to it, then again you can probably guess most time which character it is.


This is the GG's Garage.
Hey, where's our pizza?

Huh? You're not the pizza guy?
Oh, you're here to join the GG's, eh?

Heh... Tell you what. Find Gum.
She's the one you wanna talk to.

Just get close to her and pull
the gRight Triggerh. Got it?


The list is quite long, here's the rest of the dialogues:  http://pastebin.com/0wBmnytM

And as DJ Professor K would say:


  1. PTE031.bin is when you first meet Combo. He says something different whether you're playing as a boy or a girl. (Gum is the only available girl at this time though. He uses the princess line on her.

    Also, I heard that in the Japanese version there is unique dialog at the end of the game (Chapter 9) when you're talking to specific people in the Garage with specific characters. For some reason it wasn't all translated in the English version of the game (although there is still a bit of unique dialog). This old post on GameFAQs talks about it: www.gamefaqs.com/boards/475263-jsrf-jet-set-radio-future/44372770

    Do you think this dialog exists somewhere in the English version of the game?

    Great to see that you're still updating this blog with new stuff. Keep it coming!

  2. Throughout the game characters make different statements based on what major events has happened. Like when Yoyo was kidnapped, I remember Beat or combo assuming Yoyo was playing a prank or something.
